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Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Visit with Sleep Medicine Doctor

I met with the sleep medicine doctor today. He agreed that I could have sleep apnea, but he said the snoring may also be from all the congestion I've been having. He won't know for sure until I have a sleep study done, so that's the next step. Apparently sleep issues abound in the area because the soonest they can get me in is December 2. Shoot! I asked them to please call me if they have a cancellation because I want to get this diagnosed sooner versus later, particularly because I'm pregnant. In the meantime, the doctor prescribed me a nasal spray that should help with the congestion. He believes it's safe to use during pregnancy, but I'm waiting for Dr. S to confirm this. If I have sleep apnea, I will be evaluated again after Zoe is born to see if the problem is corrected. I'm just hoping I don't have it at all.

I was slightly offended that the doctor kept talking about my weight throughout the appointment. He kept saying things like "with the added weight, plus your pregnancy....", "when you lose the weight after your pregnancy....", "due to your weight gain....", etc. I wanted to scream "enough with the weight already!!! Sheesh!!!" You'd think that I had to be rolled in there on a gurney or something, or hoisted up through a window. I'm not THAT big!!! To add insult to injury, Trevor was in the room. Everyone knows that you don't discuss weight with a woman - EVER - especially when her husband's in the room! Okay, so maybe there's an exception to that rule when you're a doctor, but not with my husband in the room! I now have a renewed mission to lose those law school pounds, plus any pregnancy weight I gain!


CP said...

when you are pregnant all you think about is weight- its not like you need someone to keep reminding you!! good luck with the spray!

Jenni said...

Holy freaking cow, I would have cried. It doesn't matter if you are 300 pounds or 150. You just don't talk about a pregnant woman's weight! I'm so sorry. You have NOTHING to worry about - you look great and seriously you have gained like hardly anything so far!

If it makes you feel better, I was way over 200 pounds half way through my pregnancy and my doctor never said a word about my weight.