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Monday, January 26, 2009

Maternity Leave

Last spring my firm revamped its maternity leave policy. Attorneys are now given 18 weeks of leave at 100% pay, with the option to add an additional 6 weeks at no pay (upon approval). During my evaluation in December I talked to my boss about taking the full 24 weeks off; she was okay with it, but we needed to get it approved through our section head in D.C. You know how office/firm politics go. Anyway, I just got an e-mail from our section head approving my full leave! Woot!!! So, Zoe and I will have six glorious months to spend together!! YAY!!! Assuming she arrives on time, I won't return to work until......mid-August. I'm so excited!!! (As you can tell by the overuse of exclamation marks! ~ smile)


CP said...

that is a great mat leave policy!! I'm so happy for you- being with jacob all day has been so wonderful- i just dont see how people can return to work right away or even after three months (unless they have to).

Jill said...

Good for you! I am SO JEALOUS. I had 8 weeks off, and they weren't paid!

Balancing Act said...

AHHHH! I'm moving across the street to your firm! 18 weeks paid?! That is awesome. Good for you.