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Thursday, January 22, 2009

Dry Run (a/k/a False Alarm)

We just got home from....labor & delivery! Yep, we had a false alarm! Trevor and I went to bible study last night, and I started having pretty regular contractions in the middle of praise and worship. I chalked it up to Braxton Hicks, although they were non-stop. The contractions continued through the night and this morning. After having several contractions at work this morning, I decided to call Dr. S. I was instructed to lie down and time my contractions for an hour, so I went to the firm's sick room to do this. My contractions were consistently 2-7 minutes apart with varying duration. Dr. S instructed me to go to labor and delivery for observation.

My contractions continued at 2-7 minutes apart, but my cervix was (and is) still closed. This is TMI, but I think I lost part of my mucous plug while at the hospital because when I went pee there was something fleshy floating in the urine cup. (Sorry!) Zoe was doing beautifully through it all, which was great! Her heart rate was great (between 150-190....only in the 180s/190s during the contractions), and she was very active. I was discharged this evening with instructions to return if (1) my water breaks, (2) my contractions get stronger, and/or (3) my contractions get closer together.

Trevor and I learned a lot today. First of all, we now know where to park for the real thing. Very important to know! Also, I need to pack a REAL hospital bag. I threw some things in a bag in about 10 minutes, so I need to start over this weekend....assuming Zoe doesn't decide to make an appearance before then. Otherwise, we'll just make do with the ghetto bag I threw together today! LOL. Last, we need to install the car seat....Trevor is working on that as I type this post.

I'm hoping our baby girl will stay put and bake awhile longer since I'm only 36 weeks. But I've been having a nagging feeling the last few days that she's coming early, and oddly enough my mom has been having the same feeling. We'll see....


Jill said...

OMG -- how exciting!! You are getting so close!

CP said...

so excited!!! i guess it could be any day- huh? maybe you'll be one of the lucky ones that doesn't go two weeks past due (like i was).

Jenni said...

Yikes! Close call! OH my gosh I was so nervous reading that! LOL Well, I hope she stays in there for at least another 2 weeks :) Cuz I remember everything after 38 weeks was a four letter word. SOOOO uncomfortable!! (And I was a week LATE!)

Kara - Wife, Momma, Doula said...

Oh I can't wait for you to have her :) She will be so beautiful. She will be ready when she comes :)