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Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Just Because

Dear Zoe,

There's no special reason for this post. I just wanted to tell you how much I love you already. I've been feeling you move a lot more lately, and I just love the feeling of your little thumps. It's almost as if you're reminding me that you're in there, but I know you're really just stretching, repositioning yourself and/or playing with the umbilical cord. ;- ) I also know that your light thumps will soon become forceful kicks and punches, but I'll do my best to enjoy those too. Even when they hurt.

I can't wait to hold you and play with you, sweetness. I daydream about your toothless grins and the little cooing sounds you'll make. I can't wait to hear you giggle for the first time. I'm even dreaming of your first cry. I can't wait to snuggle with you morning, noon and night, and I can't wait to feel your breath against my skin. I just can't wait for YOU!

Daddy and I are going to do everything in our power to be the best parents we can be. We know the Lord will grace us through it day-by-day, and He'll give us what we need to be great parents to you.

I love you, Zoe!

Anxiously anticipating your arrival,

1 comment:

CP said...

This letter is so sweet- I remember being anxious and excited to meet my little one. I kind of miss that!