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Sunday, August 17, 2008

Hospital Tour

Dr. S has privileges at two hospitals, which makes the decision of where to have Baby D pretty easy. Today, Trevor and I toured the labor and delivery unit of hospital #1 after church. Upon arriving to the designated meeting spot, we quickly realized that we are planners. I was clearly the "least pregnant" woman there. Some of the women looked like they were ready to deliver any day now. Honestly. I really wondered why they were JUST taking the tour, but who am I to question it. Anyway, we had a chance to see a labor and delivery room, the transition nursery (where Baby D will be taken approximately one hour after birth for his/her first bath, a check-up and whatever else they do to a newborn baby), the ante-pardum ward (where women stay if they are put on hospital bed rest before having their baby), the nursery, the C-Section triage and prep area (I hope I don't have to see that area of the hospital when the time comes), and the post-pardum ward. We weren't allowed to see the Neo-Natal Intensive Care Unit (NICU), for obvious reasons, but hopefully Baby D won't have to spend any time there. I'm just glad to know that hospital #1 has a NICU if it were necessary. I would be devastated if my baby had to be transported to another hospital in order to get NICU treatment. All in all, the hospital was nice. I guess?? It was clean, modern and everyone seemed nice. The hospital has won a lot of awards that meant nothing to me. I'm not really sure how you rate a hospital. It's a hospital after all. I'm interested in seeing hospital #2 so that I'll have something to compare hospital #1 against. Being the consummate planners that we are, I'm sure we'll be visiting hospital #2 sometime in September, and once again, I'll probably be the "least pregnant" woman there. Oh well! I'm just ready to check something off our list.

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