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Thursday, August 6, 2009

Day 3 = More Difficult

Well, today is more difficult. I got home around 6pm last night and thoroughly enjoyed my time with Zoe. She started getting sleepy around 7:45, so we were upstairs starting her bedtime routine around 8:00. That's when it hit me. I only had 2 hours of quality time with Zoe! 2 hours!! How awful is that?! Although we had a little time in the morning, it wasn't the same because I had to get dressed and out of the house.

This morning Zoe remained asleep when I got out of bed. She finally woke up about 15 minutes before I had to leave, and she was in such a happy mood, thus I left in 30 minutes and got to work later than I planned. And today is her 1/2 birthday....6 months old already! I must have kissed Zoe 50 times before leaving the house. I just wanted to stay home with her to play, snuggle, etc.

On my way to the office I called to check my messages, and I had a message from a partner in our D.C. office. He needs my assistance with a new merger that has a short time frame. I'm hopeful that the workload will be manageable so that I can enjoy my evening with Zoe (all 2 hours of it....sigh) and my weekend with her.

I don't know if I can REALLY do this????!!! :-(

Breathe. One day at a time....


Jill said...

I'm sorry. :( I know how hard it is. Right now I only work 3 days per week, but September 1st I'll go back full-time (and I'll have to leave at 6:45 AM). As hard as it is (and will be), I do think that it makes me personally a better mommy. I know that I appreciate all of my time with Ava more, and I am definitely more patient. I also really enjoy my profession, and I love the interaction with adults. I do think that I am setting a positive model for Ava. It will get easier. (((HUGS)))

CP said...

I totally understand how you feel! I leave my house at 6:30 and get home at 7:00- just two hours before my baby goes to bed! It feel so sad that our time with them is so limited- but then the weekend comes and is so enjoyable and I am ready to go back to work again. I think work refreshes me for being a mom and being a mom refreshes me for work.

Hang in there- you will be such a great model for Zoe when she gets her own career- she will have your experience as as a good guide!