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Monday, August 17, 2009

6 months

Dear Zoe,

You're 6 months old, sweetie! A whole half year old! Where is the time going? It's crazy to think that we'll be planning your first birthday party soon.

As you grow, you're becoming more fun and interactive. You love to explore and discover new things. When we sit you in your Bu.mbo, you immediately scan your immediate surroundings and literally grab and lunge toward everything within your reach. Also, you absolutely love playing with magazines, paper bags and sheets of paper. You enjoy the crinkling sound they make. Everything you touch ends up in your mouth. The experts say that babies love to explore through touch, and babies also like to feel and taste things with their mouth; all of the above apply to you.

This month was challenging with respect to your nighttime sleep. You just didn't want to sleep for more than a couple of hours at a time. As a survival tactic, Mommy and Daddy started putting you in the bed with us. This is the only way we were able to get decent sleep, and you sleep like a dream next to Mommy. But because I'm posting this late, I'll let you in on a little're overcoming your sleep challenges and getting back to sleeping through the night. More on this when I give you a 7 month update.

Naps are a horse of another color. You are so alert and active that you just don't have time to nap. You don't want to miss a thing, Zoe! You apparently think naps are so juvenile. The great thing is you're not fussy from not napping. But we know you need the sleep, so we're trying different tactics to get you to nap more and better. I hope to have good things to report in your 7 month update.

The most exciting development this month is that you started sitting up! It took you four days to master it, and now you're a pro! It's so exciting!

Mommy and Daddy love you with all we have, sweetness. You are an amazing little girl. You're so happy, and you love to laugh. Your smiles are infectious. You are absolutely the light of our lives!

My love always,

What do you do the 2nd day your baby can sit up on her own? You put her in a high chair, of course!

A visit from great auntie, Colette

Having Fun!

Christmas in July. Great-auntie Colette had to get a picture in the coat she bought you, but you never got to wear. What a shame because the coat is darling!


Jenni said...

Awwwe can I come over and play with her? she is such a doll and I always get excited when you post pictures.

Congrats on sitting up Zoe! you are such a big girl! But maybe you should learn to take some naps- :) hehe at least you are still happy though.

Your update was so fun to read! I can't believe she is already 6 months!

CP said...

She is SOOOO adorable!!! I love the jacket and the picture with the sun glasses. She seems so precious and kissable!