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Monday, May 18, 2009

Help! She Hates Tummy Time!

Zoe HATES tummy time. Still. I'm at my wits end. We've tried tummy time in every way possible. Tummy time on a blanket. Tummy time on our chests (she kinda likes this). Tummy time on her Tummy time on an actual tummy time mat complete with toys. Tummy time on my shins (playing airplane). Tummy time on the couch. Tummy time on the bed. Tummy time every where! The result: weeping and gnashing of teeth! The issue is that Zoe really favors her left side. Thus, she sleeps with her head turned to the left, and she often looks to the left when she's being held and while sitting in her car seat, swing and bouncer. The result: she's developing a bit of a flat spot on the left side of her head. We took her to her pediatrician to have it looked at. Thankfully, it's not severe, but it can't be ignored. The solution: tummy time! ARGH!!!!

Any suggestions on getting over this hurdle?


Jill said...

I'm sorry -- I soooo feel you. Tummy time was a fight in our house every day until Ava was probably about 4 months. The only thing that worked for us was to find a toy that she was obsessed with (for her, a set of toy keys that makes noise when shaken) and ONLY bring it out during tummy time. It would keep her happy for a few minutes at a time.

What about putting the boppy underneath her chest? Maybe she'll hate that a little less? Hang in there -- it will get better!

Fearfully. Wonderfully. said...

My advice: Just let it go! A burden will be lifted when you do. Isaak hated being on his tummy too because he was such a visual baby and loved looking around. I had to just come to grips with that.

One thing I have realized is that babies reach certain milestones when they are ready and only when they are ready. There are some things (Not all) that we don't have control over, no matter how hard we practice.

When Isaak started rolling over really well (5.5 months) he suddenly loved being on his belly, because he had so much more control. Now when I lay him on his back, he rolls over to play.

Just take a break from it, smile and enjoy the things sweet Zoe does like, and then in a week try again. She'll embrace tummy time soon!!!

I'm at the same place you are with sitting up....I tried everything, but he just wouldnt grasp it, so I'm just taking a break =)

Jenni said...

Preston HATED tummy time as well. I could show you videos of us trying to get him to do some tummy time and oh the crying (there was lots of it).

I have to say, I eventually gave up because I couldn't handle the sad crying from him. I think he just needed to do it in his own time. Eventually we tried again and he was more open to it. But my husband was in charge of it :) He would just do a few minutes each day and yes Preston still cried through it, but hey he got it done. :)

And no Preston was not developmentally delayed because of it. Eventually around 7 months and after he started doing tummy time on his own, which eventually led to rolling over, which eventually led to crawling. :)

Don't worry...Zoe will eventually get it. Give her a little break and then try it again.

But the bald flat spot -- I know! Preston's back of his head has been bald until thelast month. LOL

Balancing Act said...

Ugh! I remember those times. Syd hated it too. You have to hold out and be strong. Syd was a late crawler and is still not walking and I blame it all on the lack of tummy time.

Erika said...

Here's a video if it helps:

And it also might help if you switch up the way you put your baby in the crib (sometimes facing left, sometimes right) as well as on the changing table. There's more specific tips in this PDF about encouraging your baby not to favor one side:

FSD said...

Ladies, thank you all for your comments. I really appreciate you taking time to comment to my post. Being a mommy is hard; there's always something to be concerned about. But I wouldn't trade any of it for the world.

Erika--I will check out the links you posted. Thanks!

CP said...

Jacob hated tummy time too. You just have to keep trying a little each day. Eventually, she will realize, "hey this isn't so bad!"

Don't worry about the flat spot too- Jacob had it as well. It was pretty noticeable too us but once he started rolling more freely and becoming more mobile he stopped favoring his one side. Now, eight months later- it's completely gone!