She arrived at 9:41pm on 2/6/09. She weighed in at a whopping 5 lbs. 15 oz. and was 18 3/4 inches long. She's absolutely perfect! Pictures and birth story to follow in a few days. We're in love!!!
Thank you Jesus! I finally have my very own grandbaby and my grandbaby is officially a girl!
I also am very, very thankful that Zoe's mom is fine. This was probably one of the toughest things she will ever have to face and she made it through with flying colors. Great Job Mommmy!!! Of course, I can't leave daddy out -- he was there encouraging and coaching mommy along. Great Job Daddy!!
I got the pictures on my cell phone of Zoe and she is just the most precious, knock down gorgeous baby with a head full of hair! I'm in love forever!!!! I am so looking forward to seeing Zoe in person and introducing myself to Zoe. I hope Zoe loves me as much as I already love Zoe and Zoe's daddy and mommy, Zoe's only uncle, Zoe's grandma Rose, Zoe's beloved grandpa DeForest, Zoe's great grandparents, Zoe's great great aunts and uncles, Zoe's great aunts and uncles, Zoe's beloved great uncle Lawrence, Zoe's cousins, Zoe's first cousins, Zoe's second cousins and last but not least Zoe's new brother or sister to be!!!!
Oh my gosh!!!!! I can't wait to hear all about it!! Sorry I am so late in commenting...I was gone since THursday (out of town) and I am just now checking blogs. I'm so excited!! And woohhoo you went early...that's got to be nice. :)
I am a sixth-year attorney at a large, international law firm. I am married to a wonderful man who is a pilot (both commercial and with the Navy Reserves). My husband and I welcomed our beautiful daughter, Zoe, into our lives February 6, 2009, and our precious son, Zachary, on March 29, 2011.
CONGRATULATIONS! I can't wait to see pictures!
yay! congrats I can't wait to hear more!
Thank you Jesus! I finally have my very own grandbaby and my grandbaby is officially a girl!
I also am very, very thankful that Zoe's mom is fine. This was probably one of the toughest things she will ever have to face and she made it through with flying colors. Great Job Mommmy!!! Of course, I can't leave daddy out -- he was there encouraging and coaching mommy along. Great Job Daddy!!
I got the pictures on my cell phone of Zoe and she is just the most precious, knock down gorgeous baby with a head full of hair! I'm in love forever!!!! I am so looking forward to seeing Zoe in person and introducing myself to Zoe. I hope Zoe loves me as much as I already love Zoe and Zoe's daddy and mommy, Zoe's only uncle, Zoe's grandma Rose, Zoe's beloved grandpa DeForest, Zoe's great grandparents, Zoe's great great aunts and uncles, Zoe's great aunts and uncles, Zoe's beloved great uncle Lawrence, Zoe's cousins, Zoe's first cousins, Zoe's second cousins and last but not least Zoe's new brother or sister to be!!!!
Correction to previous comment -- Zoe does have two more uncles and three more aunts that I love!!! My bag.
Congratulations! What a teeny tiny baby girl! :)
congratulations! so happy that everything went well and that zoe is finally here! Can't wait to see the pictures. Yay!
Oh my gosh!!!!! I can't wait to hear all about it!! Sorry I am so late in commenting...I was gone since THursday (out of town) and I am just now checking blogs. I'm so excited!! And woohhoo you went early...that's got to be nice. :)
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