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Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Too Busy to Sleep

In the last week Zoe learned how to do two very exciting things: sit up on her own and pull up to the standing position against objects (she used to do this frequently while holding our hands). The result: a baby that is too busy to sleep. Once upon a time when I laid Zoe in her crib after her bedtime routine she'd roll to her side or stomach and continue sleeping. That is no longer the case. Now when I lay Zoe down she immediately rolls to her stomach and something goes off in her head that says "hey, stomach equals crawling and then sitting", and that's exactly what she does. And then she comes to herself and remembers "hey, I also know how to stand up now, so there's no better time than the present to practice my new skill." A few seconds later she remembers she was actually sleeping before all of this activity started and then she gets upset, so an abbreviated bedtime routine follows. Getting Zoe to sleep takes extra long these days. I look forward to the days of putting her to bed easily. For now I'll stop and enjoy the season we're in because I know it'll be gone before I know it, and in a strange way I'll actually miss it.


Jill said...

We went through that phase, too, but I swear it only lasted an instant (thank goodness -- it was exhausting!). Enjoy the cuteness!

Jenni said...

That is so cute. Do you also notice that first thing in the morning Zoe rehearses her "skills"? I read in a book that babies learn while they sleep, or rather the sleep really refuels them so whatever they most recently learned will be first on their mind when they wake up. And it is SO true. Every morning Preston wakes up and says "Ball" or whatever else he knows.