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Monday, January 11, 2010

Our Little Helper

Zoe loves helping Trevor and I do things around the house. Whether it be loading (or unloading) the dishwasher, putting clothes in the washer or dryer, or putting laundry away, Zoe is right there eager to help. I hope Zoe's this eager to help out when she's a teenager. Here's our sweet Zoe in action:
Is this what you need Mommy?

Helping Daddy load dishes

Putting away groceries

Helping put laundry...away?

Putting clothes in the dryer


Jill said...

LOVE IT! What a cute little helper! Ava likes to help, too -- but makes a much bigger mess in the process.

Jenni said...

She is sooo adorable. I know I say that all the time, but seriously it's because she is.

I can't believe she is almost 1!! Has it almost been a year already?? You said you couldn't believe Preston is 18 months, but I can't believe Zoe is almost one. I still remember reading your blogs about when you had her!

Lady Anne said...

Zoe is so cute! Love the pics!

liliregsmomma said...

So adorable. I hope she wants to help this much when she gets older! How great would that be.
Regan likes to help with laundry too.

Endurance Trainer (Laura) said...

She is one cute lil girl. Love the pic with the remote in her mouth.