I'm up 1.6 lbs. from my pre-preggers weight, so I'm doing a good job with my weight gain. My appetite is starting to increase a bit, but it's still not out of control. If I could just shake this sweet tooth! I have one extreme craving right now....toasted whole wheat bagels w/ butter and grape jelly. I have one just about every morning. The cashier at the local bagel shop knows my order by heart now - "wheat bagel with butter and jelly, a banana and decaf coffee? Yep!"
Zoe this week: our little angel's brain is growing quickly now. I hope the Lord blesses her with ubber intelligence! :- ) Her taste buds are continuing to develop (yet another reason to kick my sugar habit), and her lungs are developing "branches" of the respiratory "tree". Her lungs are also producing surfactant, a substance that will help her air sacs inflate once she's born. Zoe's skin is still thin and translucent, and she's still a platinum blond since her hair still lacks pigment. Last, but not least, Zoe's cute little face is almost fully formed. I already know she's going to be gorgeous!
Zoe is growing steadily. Babies are said to gain approximately 6 ounces per week at this point. Zoe is approximately 1 1/2 lbs. and over a foot long (head to heel). She's about the size of an ear of corn: