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Wednesday, October 15, 2008

22 Weeks!

Today begins my 22nd week. I'm experiencing more of the same - pain on my left side, both under my ribs and in my back. I'm doing better with my posture when I'm at work, so that's helping. I've also been having minor swelling in my feet after long days of standing and/or walking. The swelling goes away pretty easily with rest. I've finally logged positive numbers in terms of weight gain. As of this morning, I'm up 1lb. from my pre-preggo weight.

I'm feeling Zoe a lot these days. YAY!!! I feel her at least once a day, but usually at multiple intervals during the day. She's particularly active at night. I hope that's not a forecast of what's to come when she's born. (fingers crossed....)

Zoe this week: her lips, eyelids, and eyebrows are becoming more distinct. Tiny tooth buds are developing under her gums. (Hopefully she'll be blessed with perfect teeth that require no braces) Zoe's eyes are formed, but her irises still lack pigment. Her hair is still sprouting on her head, but because it has no pigment yet, it is bright white. So it seems that Zoe is a platinum blond right now! :- )

Zoe is 11 inches long and finally weighs about 1lb.!! She's about the size of a spaghetti squash:

1 comment:

Jenni said...

Hey Ricka,

Ugh sorry to hear about your possible rib pain. Here is my email address - so please email me. suitedreamer at gmail dot com.

Talk to you soon!