Yesterday started my 23rd week. Not much is new with me. My aches and pains are the same---round ligament pain and that pesky pain in my left rib cage and on the left side of my back. I'm still working on my posture, which helps. I've also developed a nightly routine of soaking in a hot, but not too hot, tub. Ahhh!!! My feet are still swelling occasionally. I put on a pair of boots this morning and they were a bit snug. I thought it may have been because I haven't worn them in awhile. I still wore them, figuring they'd stretch during the day. When I mentioned it to Trevor on my drive to work, he said he noticed that my feet looked a little swollen this morning. Great!
I lost weight over the last week. I'm now up only 4 ounces from my pre-preggers weight. That's shocking considering the amount of sweets I've been eating!
Zoe's movements are becoming more frequent and much more distinct. I love to feel her move. This morning I was resting my hand on my tummy, and I swear I felt two thumps against my hand. I was going to have Trevor feel them too, but I had to pee so bad that I couldn't lay there and relish in the moment. We'll see how the next few days go. I can't wait for him to feel his daughter move!
Zoe this week: apparently Zoe is developing her sense of movement and can feel my movements pretty well. She is also developing a keen sense of sound. We bought a book to read to her in utero called "Oh, Baby, the Places You'll Go". Trevor read it to her Sunday night and will continue to do so on a regular basis. Zoe's skin is reddish in color because of developing blood vessels, plus her skin is still pretty thin. Her skin is loose and saggy because skin develops faster than fat during fetal growth. I wonder why that has to change later in life??? LOL. (not that walking around with sagging skin would be very cute!)
Zoe is still approximately 11 inches long (head to heel) and weighs a little over 1 lb. She's about the size of a large mango:
Here's my big reveal. We finally took a pic of my belly bump on Sunday. This pic was taken at 22 weeks, 5 days. I'm certainly not the size of a large mango, but I'm definitely all baby!
On Giving Thanks in the Thick of It
9 years ago
You look great! One of the things I look forward to most in pregnancy (when I do become pregant) is feeling the baby move inside. It must seem sort of like having an alien in there.
Thanks, Infant Attorney! Feeling the baby move is amazing, but it is strange because you can never anticipate when the movements will come. The first few times it really takes you by surprise and you do feel like there's an alien invading your body.
I love the belly shot! you look great for 23 weeks! I'm glad Zoe loves the spa too :)
You look so beautiful! Definitely glowing (as they say) :)
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