That's been the running theme for me the last couple of weeks. I don't know why I can't stop. I literally eat something sweet EVERY DAY! That can't be good for me, or for Zoe. But I can't stop. Okay, maybe "can't" is a strong word, but it's really tough for me to stop because I crave it so much. Yesterday was awful. I ate two donuts, a pack of Life Saver Gummies, and a two sopapillas with honey. Why?!
They say the first step in overcoming an addiction is to admit you have a problem. So here it is. I'm admitting it. I'm addicted to sugar. Lord, please help me!!!!
On Giving Thanks in the Thick of It
9 years ago
What are sopapilla's?
Sopapillas are a Mexican pastry sprinkled with sugar and cinnamon. They are commonly served in Mexican restaurants here in Texas. They're especially good with some honey (and even butter). Here's a description I found online:
"The name “sopapilla” probably originates from the Spanish sopaipa, another term for a sweet fried dough. Similar pastries include churros and bunelos, which tend to be seasoned in the same way, and are also made from sweetened fried doughs. When made sweet, sopapillas are drizzled with honey or anise syrup, and sometimes rolled in cinnamon sugar. When made savory, sopapillas are filled with beans, ground meat, or other ingredients. A sopapilla can also be eaten plain with a side of honey to dip it in, and sopapillas are always served hot, as they get heavy and greasy when cold."
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