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Thursday, March 26, 2009

Mommy Update

I figured it was time for a mommy update. Monday, I had my 6 week checkup with Dr. S. All is well, and I'm feeling pretty good.

The transition to motherhood has gone relatively smoothly. The toughest part is not being able to get up and go on a whim any longer. But I'm enjoying Zoe so much that it isn't so bad. Trying to get nursing established was by far the toughest thing I experienced in the early weeks. I was so down about it that I started to experience baby blues. In hindsight, I regret letting our nursing woes steal my joy and precious moments with Zoe. I wept so much and felt like a failure as a mom. While I knew that the nursing issue was Zoe's problem because she was so sleepy at the breast, it was still difficult not to shoulder the responsibility. When I decided to transition to 100% pumping and bottle feeding, it literally felt like a cloud had lifted. I'm thankful that the constant bottle feeding didn't hinder Zoe's ability to nurse. Now we're exclusively breast feeding, and I'm so glad.

Sleep deprivation is slowly diminishing. While Zoe still isn't sleeping through the night, she is sleeping for longer stretches which has been nice. After her late night feeding (around 11pm), she usually will sleep until about 4am, give or take 30 minutes or so. After that we're back to every 3 hours. I'm also trying to get better about napping when she does, which helps.

Last, but certainly not least, my weight. I gained 19 pounds during my pregnancy. As of Monday, I've lost....26 pounds! YAY!!! I actually lost all of the pregnancy weight by 2 weeks postpartum. I was shocked! But I still have to work on toning my belly. While I'm happy about the additional weight I've lost, I'd still like to lose about 25 lbs. to get to my ideal weight. So that means lots of diet and exercise in my least favorite things to do.

Oh, and I forgot to mention that I still miss having Zoe in my tummy. I still love holding her and snuggling with her, but the "empty" feeling still persists. Sigh....


Jenni said...

Wow!! 26 lbs? Okay no fair. LOL jk. That is awesome! That is like serious payback for the awful breastfeeding issues. :)

Jenni said...

THanks for your comment on my blog!! You are so nice and I want you to know I totally did not write my post because of yours. Ihave been meaning to do a weight loss update for like, a month now. LOL And the whole 9 month thing has been on my mind seriously everyday. I had a hard time with the weightloss thing the first few months, but once I realized and accepted that my body was not going to lose it fast I was fine and accepted it. :) I have hope for #2 though (whenever that is). :)

CP said...

I was the same with losing weight- it was so weird and awesome. I ate like a crazy person after jacob was born but it just mostly came right off! However I just recently lost those last remaining 5 pounds.

I'm glad everything is going well- it definately gets easier as the sleeping stretching get longer! need more pictures of beautiful zoe!