Where is the time going, princess? I can't believe it has already been 3 weeks since you joined us! You are such a joy and a delight! Mommy and daddy love you very much!
This week we've been working on tummy time to start working on your neck muscle strength. You've done a pretty good job with it so far, but you're not a huge fan of it. You make out pretty well the first couple of minutes and then you're pretty much over it.
You LOVE to stretch....for a LONG time! It cracks us up! You put your all into your stretches, complete with funny faces and exasperated noises. I guess it's hard work being so cute, huh?!
You still have a love/hate relationship with the swaddle. We haven't been able to figure out why you love it sometimes and hate it others. But when you hate it, boy do you hate it! It cracks us up when you break out of the swaddle, even when we think its nice and snug.
This week you've discovered grunting. Initially, daddy and I freaked out thinking you were constipated or something. After visiting your doctor and confirming that you weren't constipated, we learned that sometimes babies just grunt for the sake of grunting, and we also learned that babies have to discover how to use their pelvic floor muscles in order to pass gas and pass bowel movements, which can cause grunting. We haven't been able to figure out the reason why you grunt, but it's loud enough to wake us from a sound sleep. LOL. I think you may be grunting due to a combination of the above because sometimes after a long grunting session you will pass gas and/or poop. I just can't wait until you outgrow it so we can all get some sleep. :- )
We can't wait to see (and hear?) what you discover this week, pumpkin. Continue being the blessing you are!
Love you,
The Swaddle (before and after)


Zoe and Mommy

1 comment:
So sweet! I love the pictures. Our little one is a stretcher, too. :)
The pro pics are just gorgeous!
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