Well, you've kept Mommy pretty busy, so I'm just getting around to your 5 week update. You'll be 6 weeks old tomorrow. I really need to get on the ball!
Guess what you did this week?! You mastered nursing!!! YAY, Zoe!!! You have been nursing exclusively since last Monday. No more bottles, no more pumping, just nursing! What a relief! Mommy and Daddy are so proud of you, pumpkin. Mommy was able to freeze the milk she pumped before you started exclusively nursing, so now we have a little supply on hand for Daddy to feed you from time to time. Mommy will start pumping again soon so we can increase our stash, but right now I'm enjoying the extra special bond we're creating.
This week you also started to discover your voice. You've added a cute little yelling noise to your cry, but nothing too obnoxious. You also make a cute little cooing noise every now and then. Mommy and Daddy can't wait until you start "talking" more.
You don't seem to like gadgets. At all! We've tried putting you in your swing and in your bouncer, but you're not having any of it. You prefer to either lie down and entertain yourself or have Mommy and Daddy entertain you. I hope you start liking gadgets soon, otherwise it will have been a waste of our and our family/friends' money to buy them.
This week you had your first REAL bath because it took awhile for your belly button to fully heal. You seem to like baths so far, which is a good thing. But Mommy and Daddy need to figure out a good trick to keep you warm because while I was drying you off you started to scream bloody murder. I've never heard you cry like that; it broke my heart. After I got you all bundled up and nursed you, you were okay.
Mommy and Daddy love you very much, Zoe! You continue to be the light of our lives.
A few pics from Week 5 (Mommy was slipping and our camera was acting crazy!):
Bath Time

"Mommy, I think I need a manicure."

Looking out the front window with Daddy

Try putting her towel in the dryer and getting it out just before you're ready to take her out of the tub. Works like a charm!
I love the pictures!!
Another tip for keeping her warm (although I think I'll have to start using towel trick myself!): I wrap Ava up in a towel and keep her all bundled while I feed her. By the time she's done eating, she's nice and dry and doesn't mind getting lotioned and dressed. :)
She is still such a beautiful baby (not that that would have changed any! LOL). Glad she is enjoying the baths. It took Preston about 3 baths before he stopped crying his head off during them. We would wrap a towel around him while in the bathtub so that he would feel surrounded and warm, and that seemed to do the trick. And yay I'm glad she's got the breastfeeding thing down!! Go Zoe! Yay!
How are you doing? Exhausted yet? LOL
YAY! I am so happy to see that breastfeeding is going better for you two! Keep up the good work, Zoe!
She is truly a beautiful baby.
My son was the same way with all the baby equipment...thankfully my daughter has put them to good use! It's crazy to look at them and they still look brand new after 4 years! ha!
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