Forget about mere weeks, you're 1 month old now! Can you believe it, pumpkin?! Time really does fly when you're having fun! Thank you for making this the best month of Mommy and Daddy's lives.
In the last week, you've started having longer stretches of awake time. You love to just look around and soak in your environment. You also like to stare into Mommy and Daddy's faces a lot more. You love it when Daddy sings "He has the whole world in His hands" to you, and you love it when Mommy sings "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star."
You started spitting up this week. Nothing too major, but I've noticed that the amount is gradually increasing. The funny thing is that I always thought baby spit up was so gross, but it's different now that I'm a mommy. Spit up still looks nasty, but my one and only concern is making sure you're okay, so it doesn't really bother me.
You've mastered the pouty face when you cry. It's so cute and so sad at the same time. When you get ready to cry, you stick out your bottom lip and let the crying commence. And you've started to develop tears; not many, but they're developing. It breaks my heart when I see them. :- ( Thankfully, you don't cry much.
Two noteworthy things for this week. First, you met your Nana (Mommy's mother) this week! It was so sweet to see you with your Nana for the first time. I know it seems like it took a long time to meet her, but Mommy and Daddy asked everyone to give us a little time to bond as a family of three. Everyone respected our wishes, and we're so glad we had such a special time bonding with you.
Second, you're really starting to get the hang of nursing. I'm so proud of you, sweetie. We're not 100% there just yet, but it's getting better. You're no longer falling asleep while you're nursing (yay!), and you usually latch on just fine. Your problem is still keeping your hands out of the way, and you seem to want to go into snack mode about half way during the feeding. I'm willing to continue working at this if you are.
Happy 1 month birthday, Zoe!! Mommy and Daddy love you with every fiber of our beings!
Just Adorable!

Not in the mood for a picture!

Hanging with Nana

Zoe and Mommy

Napping with Daddy (not sure if you put Daddy to sleep or if it was the other way around? --lol)

Okay stop being so cute! LOL She is so soooooooooooo pretty! And congrats on getting the nursing thing down better - that is such good news!! you should try to catch that pouty face on camera. :)
I've tried so many times to catch the pouty face on camera! I'm not as good as you! LOL. But I'm going to keep trying.
oh my goodness!!! She is soooo freaking cute! So adorable, I can't get over it! It's so sad when they get real tears in their eyes! Wow, has it really been a month?!
Happy 1 month Zoe!
She is absolutely beautiful...must run in the family genes! ;)
Congrats on the can only get better from here! Keep up the great work mommy and Zoe.
Soak up all this precious baby time now because before you know it, she will be turning 9 months old like my little peanut will be on Sat! Where does the time go?!
She is a doll!! And so are the two of you!
I love the sleeping with daddy shots - what is it about those? I still go back and look at my husband and daughter napping. Maybe it's the quiet? :)
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