You're six weeks old! Mommy and Daddy can't believe how fast you're growing up! (sob, sob, sob...) Although you're still tiny, you're not that itty bitty baby we brought home from the hospital any more.
This week we're convinced that you've started learning cause and effect. We are absolutely certain that you like spitting out your pacifier (when you take it), so that we can keep fetching it for you! LOL. You've also started smiling a lot more. It's so adorable. But on the flip side, you've also become more temperamental. Your new nickname is "Litte Miss Bossy." LOL. When you wake up from your naps, you stretch a couple of times and then you immediately start crying for food. It's almost as if you stop and think to yourself "oh wait, I'm hungry....wah, wah, wah." You need to work on this, pumpkin. I need you to give Mommy at least a couple of minutes of transition time to get you fed.
This week, as advertised by your pediatrician, you're going through a growth spurt. You want to nurse in the strangest intervals, and you haven't been sleeping like you normally do. Mommy couldn't figure it out at first, but then I remembered that six weeks is a growth milestone. And boy are you growing! This week I've started putting you in 0-3 mos sleep and plays and onesies. You still wear newborn sizes in some outfits, but you're definitely starting to stretch out. Also as advertised by your pediatrician, this week you've started getting "baby acne". It's not so bad, but Mommy can't wait until it goes away.
We think you've decided that you don't like sleeping on your back. Your favorite place to sleep lately is either on Mommy or Daddy's chest or next to Mommy on your side. We hope this is just a phase you're going through, although Mommy loves this extra snuggle time.
Mommy and Daddy have been giving you more tummy time. You still hate it after about 2-3 minutes. We always know when you've had enough because you roll onto your back. It's hilarious!
Last, but certainly not least, Nana came to visit you again this week. It's so neat to see you with her. We took a nice walk with Nana while she was here; a nice outing with three generations. It was strange pushing you around in your stroller. I can't believe I'm a mom! But I'm so blessed because I'm YOUR mommy! :- )
Zoe, you're so loved! We can't wait to see what the next week has in store for you and us.
Love you,
Our Princess:

The Heartbreaking Pouty Face:

Tummy Time (a bipolar experience):
"Grrr....I hate tummy time"

"Wait, it's not so bad"

"Okay, I'm over it!"

Zoe catching a glimpse of herself in a mirror:

Zoe's crazy socks! LOL. These are supposed to be infant socks.

Hanging with Nana:

Mommy and Zoe on our walk: