...going to be a big sister! Although we were trying for this baby, it's still surreal to think that our little family of three will soon be a family of four. We know Zoe is going to be a wonderful big sister. She's such a sweet and loving little girl. The next eight months will be consumed with showering Zoe will the love she's already accustomed to receiving and preparing her for the arrival of her baby brother or sister.
Unlike with Zoe's pregnancy, I didn't test alone today. I purposely waited to test at a time we could be together as a family. Before leaving for work, I told Trevor that it was time to take a test. I took the home pregnancy test and promptly delivered it to Trevor to keep an eye on it. I asked if the window said anything yet and Trevor said "no, it's still thinking." About 5 seconds later his eyes got slightly big and he said "it's done thinking." He then handed the test to Zoe and told her to "take this to Mommy." Zoe, being the eager little helper she is, promptly complied and came to me with a huge smile on her face as she delivered the test into my hands. In my heart I already knew what the result was. I peered down and saw the word "PREGNANT." Trevor, Zoe and I had a family hug and then Trevor and I began telling Zoe she was going to be a big sister, to which she replied "huh?" LOL.
I'd be less than honest if I didn't share that shortly after rejoicing at the news, a bit of panic suddenly hit me. I began to cry as I explained to Trevor that I was worried about what this pregnancy means to my relationship with Zoe. I also want my love for this new baby to match the love I have for Zoe. I've heard countless times that God has a way of expanding parents' hearts to fully love all of their children. While I know this to be true, I can't wrap my head around that right now. Zoe and I are so bonded, and I don't want that to change. Of course, I want to share the same bond with Baby D2. I guess the fear of the unknown is consuming me, but I trust the Lord, and I know it will all work out.
We're pregnant!!! Wow!!!
On Giving Thanks in the Thick of It
9 years ago
Awe I love how you guys found out that you were pregnant. That was really creative! And so touching you did it all together.
FOr some reason I didn't worry about not being able to love another child this time, but I have worried about Preston not adjusting well or not getting the attention he deserves. IT was hard for me the last part of my pregnancy, because I really didn't feel good and PReston really did not get very much attention from me. He spent a lot of time at G&G, and my sister-in-law came to help out....he didn't getmuch mommy time. THe nice thing is they are sooo forgiving and they forget easily. All you have to do is shower them with love and it's like nothing ever happened. And Preston LOVES having a little brother - he is so excited about it. :) Zoe will be fine and so will you. YOu will be amazed. :)
I know it is a scary thought as far as how can you possibly love D2 as much as you love Zoe. All I can say is you will be able to love them both the same. You are going to bond with Zoe and D2 in a more magnificient way than I or anyone with more than one child could ever explain because it is a God thing. The same love God has for ALL of his children is they same love He gives parents for their children. How awesome to think about. I have to admit that when you got married, I was also afraid you would love your husband more than you love me. Then Zoe came and I felt that you wouldn't be able to do things for me like you used to because now you have a child. I tell you the devil is always busy trying to turn a blessing into a curse, but we both know the truth and that settles it. Fear is not from God anyway. Remember FEAR is "False Evidence Appearing Real". That means it is a plain old LIE. Everything is going to work out for the good of those who love the Lord. But our emotions and feelings are real. We exposed the enemy so he does not have power over us in this area anymore. Praise the Lord.
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