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Hide-and-Seek, Zoe Style
Zoe has long been fascinated with cabinets, drawers, etc, but recently she's discovered the art of sitting inside cabinets. She has a favorite cabinet in the kitchen that she likes to use to play hide-and-seek. When she goes "in" the cabinet (her feet are still hanging she says "bye" and when she pops out she says "hi." Of course, we act shocked every time she pops out. She's a hoot! We love this girl to pieces!!! She is so much fun!Where's Zoe?!
There She Is!
So cute! The cupboards are a favorite play place around here too.
Oh my goodness, Zoe is sooo adorable! What a precious little one she is - I love it! :-)
DS gets a HUGE kick out of "hide and seek" behind his blanket..... and he never tires of this game. Each and every time we have to pretend like we can't find him, and he just erupts into giggles underneath that blanket. It's tiring at times but still funny nonetheless! LOL!!!
Thanks for your comment about the breastfeeding thing. I had never heard that taking fat from stores puts toxins into it. That is interesting since you'd think that the female body's "natural" way of losing baby weight is pulling that milk from fat stores. I'm going to have to look more into that though so thanks for bringing that to my attention.
I did talk to the pediatrician's nurse today and she said extreme changes in diet can cause the milk to change and cause upset tummies in babies. But it's just so hard to tell because he is not old enough to know what his "norm" was before all this happened. :(
I hope you are doing well! I so appreciate all your comments on my blog and have been thinking about you and your cute family - hoping all is well :)
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