I'm feeling good so far. I'm starting to feel more tired than usual, but that's normal at this stage of pregnancy. I've also been experiencing a lot of abdominal cramps, but that's normal as well as my uterus begin to stretch and expand to host Baby D2 for the next 8+ months.
This week some fun stuff is going on with the baby! All the books say the baby resembles more of a tadpole than a human being. In that case, I'd say this baby is the cutest tadpole ever! :) S/he is made up of three layers--ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm. Each of these layers will form his/her organs and tissues. Notably, this week the neural tube, which will form the baby's spinal cord, brain, nerves and backbone, is forming. Also, the baby's heart and circulatory system are starting to form.
This week the baby is the size of an apple seed:
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