Dr. S prescribed me a new prenatal vitamin with extra vitamin B6, which may help with my morning sickness. I have to take three pills a day, which concerns me because I'm a horrible pill taker! She also wrote me a prescription for an anti-nausea medicine (Zo.fran) if the vitamins don't work. I'm hoping the vitamins do the trick. We'll see.
Baby D2 looked great on ultrasound. We took Zoe to this appointment to include her in the excitement. She whined and was reaching out for me most of the appointment. I think she was a bit afraid by all that was going on. (Dark room, trans vaginal ultrasound, a new person talking to her, Mommy lying back on a table, etc) She quieted down and listened intently, though, when we heard the baby's heartbeat. It was cute. Baby D2 had a nice strong heartbeat. 161 bpm, and s/he was measuring 8 weeks on the dot. My official due date is April 20. I'm curious to see what happens with this little one's birth since Zoe came at 38 weeks.
Baby D2 is growing like made. Over a millimeter per day. Although it's too early to feel it, the baby has started moving his/her tiny little legs and arms, although its toes and fingers are still webbed. Eyelids almost cover the baby's eyes (I wonder if s/he will have blue eyes like Zoe, although they are now turning grayish/greenish in color). Breathing tubes extend from Baby D2's throat to the branches of his/her lungs. The baby's brain continues to develop as nerve cells are branching out to connect with one another. Despite all this development, the baby's external genitalia still haven't formed enough for us to know if it's a boy or a girl. The gender doesn't matter. We just want our little one to be healthy (but who doesn't, right?!).
This week the baby is the size of raspberry (wish I wanted to eat one...):

Wow! Wait a minute! I read your post, and then glanced at the post below it and there is another prenatal post!!! Okay either I'm super behind or you are catching up on previous blogs!!!
Either way CONGRATULATIONS!!! Awwwe I'm so excited for you. I know you've been wanting this for a little while so I am super happy for you.....awwwwee :) Now we both get to be mommies of 2. :) Hee hee. Congrats again I'm so excited that everything is going well.
Yeah, I banged out tons of posts last night. I'm soooo behind on this blog! I need to get Zoe's updates done this weekend (fingers crossed).
Oh, thanks for the congrats! :)
I am excited about my second grandchild. I hope your morning sickness goes away and the vitamins work for you. Like you and Trev, I just want the baby to be healthy. Congratulations!
so slow!
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