On the topic of me working from home, it's amazing how much harder it is to work from home when Zoe is in the next room. When I go to my office downtown I feel guilty being away from Zoe, and I miss her like crazy, but being home is more difficult because it seems cruel to separate myself from my baby girl. Sure I take short breaks to nurse her, play with her or just snuggle with her, but some days, like today, I have to cut all of this pretty short when I have a lot of work to do. Today I just felt like Zoe must have been thinking "don't you want to play with me, Mommy?" And I DID want to play with her! I missed her so much when my day was complete. It's amazing how much you can miss your baby even when you're under the same roof. So very sad. It sure is tough being a working mommy, but I'm thankful that I have the flexibility to work from home occasionally. Although it's not the same as spending an uninterrupted day with Zoe, it sure beats the alternative.
She is absolutely ADORABLE!!! I have co-workers who work from home and always tell me that it is more difficult than if they were at the office. I'm not sure I agree, but then again I'm always at the damn office :)
Okay first those pictures are soooo adorable. Awwwwe.
Second, I can empathize with you on this one because I DO work from home. On Tues, Wed, and Thursdays I teach piano and violin from 3pm until 7pm. Every time a music student comes over, Preston gets So excited and comes running out and "shows off" his skills in front of them. He also always wants to be part of the lesson by playing either instrument. So Will has to come in and haul him off and take him into the other room. So often I hear crying, or him knocking on the door to get out. It really makes me sad because it's his home and I would rather him be free to roam as he pleases, but it's just too interruptive during my lessons and plain unprofessional of me to let him do that.
Yesterday Preston didn't take his afternoon nap, and so when lessons came rolling around, he was a mess. Very cranky and LOUD. During most of my lessons I could hear him in the other room screaming and I really felt guilty. I knew he wasn't taking a nap because the piano was too loud and so I felt like it was my fault that he was acting this way in the first place.
oh the joys.
When Will goes back to work, I have 2 girls lined up to babysit Preston in THIER homes during my lessons. It will make my lessons so much easier, but I know I'll constantly be thinking about him the entire time and wondering if he is all right.
that is great though that you can work from home sometimes. But I know how hard it is. both because sometimes you aren't able to get much done, and also because you would rather be spending time with your child or husband. :)
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