Zoe started swim lessons at the end of August. She's in a Water Babies class for infants 6 months of age and up. Her instructor is Ms. Sarah. Trevor and I want Zoe to enjoy the water, but more importantly, we want her to begin learning important life-saving skills at an early age. Zoe got off to a slow start because the pool seemed a bit overwhelming to her. She's doing really well in the water now. She's even gone under water for two seconds without a single tear...just lots of fun, splashing, and smiles. 6 weeks down, 13 weeks to go.
Watch out 2028 Olympics, here comes Zoe Alexis!! She's sure to blow Michael What's His Name?'s 2008 record out of the water! (No pun intended...)
Isn't she lovely?

Look, Mommy....I'm floating!

Taking a break
Whew, what a workout!
She is SO cute in her little suit! She looks like she's having such a great time!
That is so adorable! Go Zoe, you little swimmer! I love her little swimsuit too.
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