We're getting closer to the finish line. 38 weeks and counting! My symptoms are largely the same, although the swelling in my feet seems to be getting worse. My blood pressure and urine checks are still good, so Dr. S isn't overly concerned about the swelling. She has instructed me to keep my feet elevated as much as possible. Yesterday afternoon my size 8.5s felt like size 5s. Not very comfortable! I'm going to work from home tomorrow, and I may start working half-days from home next week....we'll see. (My goal is to work through my delivery date so I don't burn any maternity leave)
I had a prenatal appointment today. It went well. Zoe has dropped a small bit, but she's still not positioned firmly in my pelvis. Her heart beat was nice and strong ~ in the 150s-160s. And my cervix....well, it's not doing much. Dr. S is pretty certain I'll make my appointment next week, so it looks like no Zoe for awhile. :- (
Zoe this week: Zoe is working on a few last-minute details like shedding the skin-protecting vernix and lanugo. She's also producing more surfactant, a substance that prevents the air sacs in her lungs from sticking to one another once she starts to breathe. And she continues to practice her swallowing skills by taking in amniotic fluid. Despite these last minute details, she's ready for life outside the womb. We're ready when she is!
Today Dr. S said Zoe feels like she could weigh as much as 6.5 lbs. right now, which is a little perplexing since she was estimated at 5 lbs. last week. Who knows??? For now, according to the text books, Zoe weighs approximately 6.8 lbs. and she's over 19.5 inches long (about the length of a leek):

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