One week ago yesterday you entered mommy and daddy's lives in the flesh. We are so blessed to call you our daughter. You are absolutely beautiful and you have such a sweet disposition. And you have the most piercing charcoal grey eyes. Mommy and daddy are keeping our fingers crossed that you keep them because they are so striking. In the last week, you've really only done four things--pee, poop, sleep and eat. Now about the eating thing....we really need you to get with the program pumpkin. Once you figure out a way to stay awake, you'll be a master nurser! Mommy and daddy like to call you our little squirm worm because you just squirm around so much. And you're so strong! We're talking adult strength strong! You have a love-hate relationship with being swaddled. Our second nickname for you is "whodini" because you always figure out a way to wiggle your right hand out of the swaddle no matter how tight we bundle you up. This morning your right hand was sticking out of the swaddle and your little fist was balled up as if to say "I pity the fool that tries to swaddle me again." LOL. I wish I would've taken a picture. You do the cutest little things!
In the last week I've wept a lot while looking at you. I'm just so in love with you, and I'm already dreading the day you grow up and leave home. Sob, sob.... My heart is just so full, Zoe. I can't believe that just a few short days ago you were moving around in my tummy. I miss feeling you inside of me so much. You're amazing to hold, kiss and cuddle, and I wouldn't trade that for the world. But you're sorely missed in my belly.
You lost your cord stump on your one week birthday. We were so surprised that it fell off so soon. You also saw your pediatrician for a weight check. You received glowing reviews. You still have 2 ounces to go before returning to your birth weight. Thankfully, you don't have a bit of jaundice. You're perfect! Oh, you also had your first bath. On a scale of 1 to 10, I think you found the experience to be about a 7....maybe a 6. You get tons of hiccups, just like you did the last couple of weeks in my belly. And you sneeze a lot, which your pediatrician says is completely normal at this stage as you adjust to being outside of the womb.
Mommy and daddy are looking forward to week 2. We hope that by the end of this week you'll have nursing mastered. That's what we're praying for.
We love you, Zoe pooh!
Love always,
A few one week photos:
So sweet! Motherhood has exceeded my greatest dreams. :) Zoe is absolutely gorgeous!
She is seriously so adorable!!! I cried and cried when I held my first son. I just felt so blessed to have him and was overwhelmed with emotion.
Enjoy being a mommy!!
She is just so SO incredibly adorable. I loved your letter to her, I could hear the sincerity.
Okay I was going to write you a big long response to your comment on my blog, but my piano student just showed up and just walked in (no knocking of course!) so I gotta go. Keep your chin up though on the breastfeeding thing...I have lots to say about that but will have to do it later...
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