Today marks the start of my 32nd week, and my 8th month! Crazy! Overall, I'm feeling pretty good. My most problematic symptoms are acid reflux (daily), back aches (also daily), and occasional hip pain, primarily in my left hip. My skin and nails seem to be going through some changes, too. It could be from the cooler weather though. My skin is dry lately, even though I religiously use lotion, and my nails have been a little brittle. I'm taking a Calcium supplement in the event the nail issue is a sign of Calcium depletion. My appetite is also increasing. I still don't have any vegetable cravings, and my fruit cravings are mild. I hate that! And I can't eat something I don't crave. Bad mommy!!!
Weight gain is still good. Up 12.4 lbs. from my pre-preggers weight. According to the books, I should be having Braxton Hicks contractions by now. I'm not, or at least I don't notice them. I hope I don't jinx myself.
Zoe this week: she now has toenails, fingernails and hair! If my acid reflux is any indicator, and if the old wives tale is true, Zoe has a lot of hair! Zoe's skin is becoming soft and smooth as she plumps up in preparation for birth. Our baby girl is (hopefully) settling into a head-down, bottom-up position in preparation for birth. Zoe is still getting a lot of rest these days; reportedly having sleep cycles of 20-40 minutes long. I hope her sleep cycles are much longer once she's here. :- )
Zoe is approximately 17 inches long and weighs a little over 4 pounds (about the weight of a large jicama (so good in salads---not that I'm eating many these days)):
On Giving Thanks in the Thick of It
9 years ago
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