Trevor returned home last night, so I was finally able to get feedback on whether the combination of putting tea tree oil in my bath water, using a saline nasal spray, AND sleeping with a warm mist humidifier is helping to alleviate my snoring. Verdict: the snoring persists. Trevor said there wasn't an ounce of improvement. Lovely! Trevor was successful in giving himself a pep talk to fall asleep despite my snoring. He said he kept telling himself "Trevor, you can do this. You can fall asleep. You've been to SERE school (which stands for "survival, evasion, resistance, and escape"--it is a POW survival course he went through in the Navy)." Too funny! How sad that enduring my snoring can be likened to being a POW. LOL.
So, today I had a regular prenatal appointment with Dr. S. Trevor went with me and described my snoring to her. She's concerned that I may have pregnancy-induced sleep apnea. She's working with my primary care physician to identify a good sleep study center for me to get evaluated. I should have that information later today. If I do have sleep apnea, she's going to put me on a continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machine for the remainder of my pregnancy because of the risk of cutting off oxygen to Zoe. I really hope I don't have sleep apnea, but if I do, I'm glad there's a remedy for it. In the meantime, Dr. S recommended sleeping in an elevated position to open up my airway.
Until then, the snoring continues....
Today's appointment: Zoe's heartbeat was nice and strong at 162 bpm, and my uterus is measuring on target. My blood pressure was good - 118/70. With the exception of the sleep apnea concern, today's appointment was good.
On Giving Thanks in the Thick of It
9 years ago
I hope you dont have sleep apnea!! But at least they can fix it before it affects zoe! That's hilarious about your husband's pep talk :)
Oh wow! The sleep apnea thing sucks! I really hope that is not the case.
If it makes you feel any better, the snoring went away as soon as I had Preston.
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