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28 Weeks (Hello, Third Trimester!)
Yesterday marked week 28! Hello, Third Trimester!!! Wow!!! I know I sound like a broken record, but time REALLY IS flying! I'm still experiencing the same symptoms as before, but now I'm also just generally uncomfortable, primarily at night. A good night's rest is becoming more and more elusive these days, thus I wake up most mornings feeling like I just fell asleep. YAWN! I'm also having pretty chronic bouts with acid reflux in the evening. Dr. S prescribed me some Nexium, but I haven't filled the prescription yet. I really don't like taking a lot of prescription meds because they are packed with weird side effects. Let's see, if I take the Nexium I'll be exchanging acid reflux for headaches, diarrhea and nausea....and possibly dry mouth, abdominal pains and constipation. Um, no thanks! I'll just keep popping Tums and spending my first 3 hours of (elusive) sleep sitting upright.Zoe this week: our baby girl is still squirming around like crazy! And I still love it! While Trevor still hasn't "felt" her move, he did see my stomach jump today. It was pretty exciting! Zoe's new skill this week...blinking! And she's even getting REM sleep these days. (Too bad mommy isn't!) It is even believed that babies in utero start dreaming at this stage. I wonder what our little angel is dreaming about?! I hope all of her good dreams come true!Zoe weighs approximately 2.5 lbs. this week and she's almost 16 inches long. Zoe weighs as much as Chinese cabbage:
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