Zoe started her first "art" class on June 14. The class is called Dri.bbles and Scri.bbles and is offered at the children's mus.eum. The program theme for the summer is "Carnival of Animals." Each class starts with a quick story time and ends with music and instruments. The toddlers are exploring different animal shapes using different art media. Unfortunately we had to miss week #3 because Zoe wasn't feeling well, but in the first two weeks we've used finger paints, regular paint using brushes (at the art easel), paint dotters and painting with toilet paper rolls (who knew?). Each week Zoe creates a new piece of art and is supposed to add something to her personal canvas. At the end of the eight week session, she will have a canvas that contains a sample of each art medium used. Although this is supposed to be Zoe's art class, it feels like Mommy and Daddy are taking art classes because we're doing more art work than Zoe. Go figure! (But Zoe is personally adding to her canvas (except for a few dots from Daddy during week #2), so it'll be fun to display her art in her future play room) This class is confirming that Zoe, at least up to this point, is a girly girl because she does not like getting paint on her hands. It's pretty funny.
After each art class, we spend time playing in the children's mus.eum. I was able to convince my dear friend, Julie, to enroll her daughter, Kendall, in Zoe's art class. It's so fun watching Kendall and Zoe explore and play together.
Our Budding Artist
(Zoe loves spending time at the easel)

Week 1 Masterpiece (plus Zoe working on her canvas)
Scribbling with the "dotters"...Zoe wouldn't "dot" the paper.

Distressed by the paint on her hands.Relieved to be washing her hands.
Week 2 Masterpieces

Playtime at the children's mus.eum
Zoe and Kendall...notice that Kendall actually looks like she's been to art class...I love it!

Zoe enjoyed squeezing the cow's teats at the museum's little farmStanding at the silly mirrors....look at those legs

Oh wow she looks like a real little artist! How cute. :) And even better...she can make a mess and it's not at your house !Hee hee. :)
The picture of her milking the cow just cracked me up!
Such beautiful art :) That looks so fun.
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