You're one?!?! Although this is such an exciting milestone, it's also a little sad for Mommy. I guess the appropriate phrase to use is "bittersweet." It amazes me that you've been with us in the flesh for a year. I can't believe that one year ago today I held you in my arms for the first time. I'll never forget that moment or when our eyes first met. What a special time, what an amazing day! This morning, before busying myself with preparing for your birthday party, you and I had some quiet time in bed. (Daddy was at work for the morning) Of course, you had no idea what today was, so you were just playing and doing your own thing. I talked to you and told you how special you are and how very much I love you. As I expressed my love to (and for) you, I could only cry. I must have cried for at least 15-20 minutes as I reflected over our first year together. Being your Mommy has been amazing and such an honor. You are such a blessing, Zoe!
You're doing so many fun things now. The most exciting to report is that two days ago you started....WALKING!!! Yay Zoe!!! Mommy was working from home the day you started walking because you had your first little cold. I was in the office working and daddy called me out to watch what you were doing. I was amazed as I watched you take those first steps. I'm so thankful that I didn't miss this milestone! Although you're definitely walking, you are still getting steady on your feet, and you still have to learn to stand back up when you fall. Mommy and Daddy just marvel at you, Zoe!
You now have two bottom teeth, and you're quite efficient at using them. You can now wave "hi", and you love squealing as loud as you possibly can for no apparent reason. You say "Dada" like crazy, but you're still working on "Mama". You have started eating a lot of finger foods as you gain independence, but one of your favorite foods of all time, which requires spoon feeding, is plain yogurt (sometimes we mix in a fruit puree). You'd eat yogurt all day, every day, if we let you. Speaking of food, you absolutely love sharing your food with Mommy and Daddy. You even shared your birthday cake with us! :-) You are super busy exploring the world around you, and with each new discovery or accomplishment, you stand and clap for yourself. Of course, Mommy and Daddy clap, too. Your favorite game is quickly becoming "peek-a-boo". You've started to learn how to cover your own eyes (sometimes you get close to your eyes, other times you don't, but you don't know or You also love pulling Mommy's or Daddy's hands off our faces for the "boo" part of "peek-a-boo". You love climbing over things and people (mostly Daddy) to get from one item (or side of the room) to another. You're so playful and light-hearted. You're truly a sweet little girl.
What an amazing first year, Zoe! Mommy and Daddy love you so very much! You're an amazing little girl. You're beautiful inside and out. You're affectionate, happy, funny, loveable, kind and so much more. You're just perfect. Happy Birthday, Zoe!!!
My love ALWAYS,
The Birthday Girl!

1 comment:
Awww, her dress is too cute! You have a beautiful baby girl.
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