Zoe's first birthday party is in the books! I always said I’d never throw a birthday party for a one-year-old, but I guess the old adage “never say never” really is true. As Zoe’s birthday started approaching, it only seemed appropriate to celebrate her big day in a special way, especially because our families are spread throughout the state and country. Rather than having an adult get-together, which is commonly what a first birthday party becomes, it was important to us to celebrate Zoe in a way that she could enjoy, so we hired Kin.dermu.sic to come to our home to conduct an age-appropriate music activity for all the kids to enjoy, and we tried to invite mostly babies. Initially, we were going to use a Baby E.inst.ein theme for Zoe's party, but as the decorations and party ware started arriving at our home, the theme suddenly felt too masculine for a girl's party. After some deliberation and searching around, the party morphed into a "cupcake" theme for the sweetest little girl on Earth! We had a blast!! The party was beyond perfect! Below are some pictures from the party. We hired a photographer to take pictures so we could focus on Zoe and be fully present for her party, which was well worth the money because we literally have hundreds of special pictures that we’ll treasure forever. I wish I could post them all here, but that's impossible.
The Birthday Girl
(I fell in love with this pettiskirt outfit, complete with a fluffy "cupcake" shirt)
Welcome Song - Everyone Sang Hello to Zoe
The Party Animals
(This picture cracks me up ~ a whole range of emotions going on and some of the babies refused to wear their hats...lol)
Our Little Family
Group Photo
Zoe's First Cake!!!
(She wasn't very impressed)
Zoe Loved Sharing Her Cake with Mommy and Daddy
Zoe was the First Baby to Leave her Party
(Zoe was pooped! She missed her nap due to all the excitement leading up to the party. It was hard for her to unwind in her crib, so she ended up napping on Mommy's chest as we said good-bye to our guests.)
(I had fun with the decorations (and I had some made). My dear friends from Houston and San Antonio, and my sweet husband, helped me decorate into the wee hours of the morning)
Each baby received a favor bag with a cupcake shaped magnetic picture frame (duck frame for the boys), mini maracas, a Kin.der.mus.ic CD, and bubbles). Each family took home a box of gourmet cupcake mix.
This door tag greeted our guests. It says "Zoe's Cupcake Factory."