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Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Zoe See (or Hear), Zoe Do

Zoe mimicked me for the first time yesterday. It was so cute. I was trying to give her some water in a bottle (something new now that we've started her on solids!), and she started to cough. After making sure she was okay, I mimicked her cute little cough. Zoe smiled and coughed again. So I coughed again, and then she coughed again. We went back and forth about four or five times. It was absolutely adorable. Unfortunately, true to her form, Zoe stopped this little activity as soon as Daddy pulled out the camcorder.


Cupcake Dreamer said...

Thank you thank you thank you for another recipe to try. maybe this one will be worth trying.

I never thought about it, but you are right about baby's imitating. It sure is cute. Kailey does a fake cough to imitate me. Sometimes she overdoes it and I get upset because I think she's choking, but she's typically just playing.

Jenni said...

Awe that is so cute :) Mimicking is the best!! It helps you to know that they really are interacting with you more and more and watching and learning. So adorable. :)