Dear Zoe,
You're 3 months old, sweetie! (Well, 3 months and a few weeks, but who's counting?!) You are developing so much, baby girl. While Mommy is sad to see you growing so fast, you're becoming more interactive every day, which is so much fun.
Let's start with the highlight of the are FINALLY sleeping through the night! Praise the Lord!!! And you've lost your startle reflex, so you now enjoy sleeping without your swaddle. Mommy starts your bed time routine at 9:15pm, which consists of Mommy playing with you, aspirating your nose (you're starting to like it....go figure!), giving you your Vitamin D drops (pediatrician's recommendation), reading you your bedtime story and nursing you. You're usually sleep by 9:45pm, and then you wake up at 6am to nurse; I put you in the bed with me at this time, and you go back down until 10am (w/ an occasional snack or two). You've really got Mommy spoiled with all of this sleep; it's going to be tough, in more ways than one, to go back to work in August.
You now have a fake cry. It usually follows or precedes a real cry. It's your special way of scolding Daddy and me for not letting you get your way. You're also smiling like crazy. You get so excited sometimes, and I can tell you want so badly to laugh. Soon enough, sweetness. Soon enough.
You are very talkative, Zoe. You already have a lot to say. You are also very alert; Mommy and Daddy get this comment a lot when people meet you. When we're at home and playing with you in the living room, you LOVE watching TV; you are so mesmerized by it. When we notice this, we turn on cartoons or pop in one of your Baby Eins.tein videos.
We're convinced that you're eager to walk because you LOVE pushing up on your feet when we hold you. Sometimes you even "walk" up our chests. It's really cute. You've discovered your hands, and you love to suck on them! One of the funniest things you do is gag yourself. You stick two or three fingers in your mouth and go at it. When Mommy pulls your fingers out of your mouth to make you stop, you just reinsert them and start gagging yourself again. You must like how it feels. Silly girl! Oh, and you slobber and drool like crazy. Oh boy, the drool!
Zoe, the love we have for you is overwhelming. There are no bad days now that you're in our lives, and even if we start to feel a little down or overwhelmed by some silly circumstance, your toothless grin makes it all better. You are such a sweet girl. You truly are, and will always be, God's greatest gift to us!
My love always,
Beautiful Smile

Zoe riding her mechanical bull (a/k/a the Bu.mbo)
Seeing Daddy off for one of his military flights
Hanging out with Mommy in the M.oby wrap
Zoe enjoying a brief moment of tummy time on her play mat
YAY for sleeping through the night! That is wonderful!
Ava used to do the gagging herself thing, too. She used to make herself throw up! Luckily she stopped that pretty quickly, lol.
I love all the pictures! My favorite is her bull-riding practice. :)
LOVE the moby on you! It looks great! And you are looking great!!!
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