1. You try for several days to make it to the grocery store to pick up that same loaf of bread and jug of orange juice.
2. Going to the grocery store, or anywhere for that matter, is the highlight of your day. (I guess this only applies when you have an infant....I hope)
3. Daily showers have become more like every other day showers.
4. You eat breakfast when the rest of the country is preparing to eat lunch, and the same with lunch and dinner.
5. You will manually remove what the nasal aspirator couldn't get and it doesn't bother you.
6. After cleaning a seedy, mustard yellow diaper (for us nursing mom) you discover that a few of those seeds are now on your knuckles and it doesn't gross you out.
7. Your bra not only tames your milk jugs, but it also doubles as a catcher's mitt for run away spit up.
8. Your days are no longer measured in hours (or billable hours for us attorneys), but rather in the number of poop and pee diapers your little one generates and in the number of feedings your little one has had.
9. Your living room has been overtaken by every baby gadget known to mankind.
10. Your vocabulary changes and you regularly use phrases like "play dates", "latching on", "poo poo", "pee pee", "shhh, shhh, shhh, it's okay", "night night time", etc.
11. You can only be away for 3-4 hours max if you're nursing, otherwise delicate parts of your body will feel like they're going to explode.
12. You can hardly remember what it feels like to get 8 consecutive hours of sleep.
13. You would miss all of your favorite shows but for the advent of the DVR.
14. You can't go five minutes without talking about your little one.
15. You don't have time to update your blog. (This entry has been save in my drafts since March 15...sad!)
16. You wake up to this sweet face (which makes the aforementioned items more than worth it!):