I had a standard prenatal appointment with Dr. S today. All is well. These appointments are pretty boring, but boring is good in a pregnancy, so I'm not complaining. Dr. S measured my stomach to check the fundal height. I'm measuring appropriately, which means my uterus (thus Baby D) is growing as it should. We also listened to Baby D's heartbeat. Still nice and strong. 148-152 bpm. All is well with mom and baby.
Oh, it seems that I gained approximately 2 lbs since my last visit in August. I'm still logging an overall weight loss, but Dr. S is encouraged that I'm finally "going in the right direction". I'm trying to tell myself to go with the process and not freak out over the weight gain, especially because I need to make sure I'm healthy for Baby D; however, it's hard not to worry about it. Societal expectations about being skinny, and the media images of celebrities that have babies and look amazing a week later, are so pervasive. It's tough not to get caught up in the hype. And as I've stated before, I'm still carrying around extra weight from law school. Oh the pressure!!! If I gain the recommended pound per week, I stand to gain another 23 lbs before the baby arrives. I'm definitely shooting for the bottom of the weight gain range. We'll see what happens. No matter what, I'm going to do what's right for my baby.
I'm anxiously awaiting the first time I feel Baby D move. It can happen any day now (between 16-24 weeks), but for a first time mom it can take as long as 24 weeks to feel the first movement. I can't wait!!
On Giving Thanks in the Thick of It
9 years ago
I know it's easy to say and hard to take to heart but just relax about the weight gain! I tried to gain only 25 pounds and ended up gaining 35- I was mortified.
After my baby was born, I immediately weighed 10 pounds less. After another week with breastfeeding and losing water weight, I was another ten pounds lighter.
Comgrats on a smooth pregnancy so far and I hope the rest of it goes just as well!
I also obsessed over weight gain and still gained 45 lbs (I was pretty thin to start with)- I think your body just does what it needs to do. The weeks I swore I ate the healthiest, I gained the most, the weeks I felt like I overindulged, I wouldn't gain anything. Finally I just gave up and enjoyed the ride. Even with +45 lbs (oh and he was a month early, can you imagine where I would have ended up if he was full term?!) I was back in my pre-pregnancy clothes in about 2 months and am now holding steady at about 8 lbs. less than before I got pregnant. Carrying around a heavy baby all day and then chasing after a toddler is an at-home, all day workout!
But I understand thinking about it. I used to goggle the number of weeks I was pregnant and the number of pounds I'd gained just to find other people who'd done the same. Ridiculous, looking back, but I found it comforting! Best of luck to you!
Girl I gained 44lbs when I was pregnant with Sydney. I have never been "jealous" of celebreties until now. I still have 15lbs to go before I'm in my "safe range" again. ( I was entirely too skinny when I got pregnant). Try not to worry about it when you're preggers though! It's the only time you can eat whatever you want and not really worry about it! Enjoy it while you can :)
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